Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Modern Day Of The World - 1342 Words

There they sit, mentally and physically preparing for the modern and civilized equivalent of battle. The modern-day gladiators in waiting, ready to take on whatever is in their path, hoping to one day win the gold they covet, and for there is also the ones with the hope of one day being one of the fortunate few that could be able to say that they do this for a living, but before they can, they must climb through the ranks. For some it is as direct as joining their first competition and slowly building their reputation, but for others they must walk into lions den and offer their fealty to the ruler before they can compete. That is case for hundreds of thousands of kids leaving the nest to play at the next level, but the next level is not†¦show more content†¦Also, I will discuss why High School athletes join the NCAA. Then I will discuss how much money is made off of student-athletes. Following with, how the NCAA currently compensates student-athletes. Finally I will enter i nto the meat of the topic of why the NCAA currently does not monetarily compensate their student-athletes, and why they should. Before diving head first into the issue, context must be added and no place is a better starting point than the bedrock for the topic title student-athlete. At first glance of the title student-athlete, one can conclude from the hyphenated title that two titles are linked, they go hand in hand, they exist simultaneously. If the hyphen was created for something in mind it was the for the student-athlete. To start the NCAA reasonably has certain requirements that the Division 1 student-athletes must satisfy. One of them is the completely reasonable, but I will go into detail about what makes it a bit problematic: students must maintain a base cumulative G.P.A. of 1.8 that progressively increases to 2.0 as their hours increase (NCAA). 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